Monday Morning Affirmations [Best Ones For Positive Week]

    Here comes Monday again. Monday is the first day of the week. After spending Saturday and Sunday off, it’s really hard to, at once come out of that freedom. These are some great and positive Monday morning affirmations to help you move forward with your day positively.

    Weekends are spent according to your plans. You relax, wake up late in the morning, hang out with friends, go shopping and plan to spend time with family, stay up till late at night and watch movies or your favorite seasons. On Sunday nights mostly people are stressed when they think about the whole busy week coming again.

    Each new day brings with it new opportunities, new thoughts, new possibilities, and new experiences. A new day should start with positive thoughts and energy.

    It is said that the first ten minutes of your new day are the most important ones. If you start the day with positive energy, the whole day will be spent positively. And if you start the day exhausted and demotivated, the whole day is spent the same way.

    The same thing applies to Monday mornings. If you start them well your whole week will be interesting. Positive affirmations are tools to reprogram your mind. When you start repeating positive affirmations to yourself, and you believe in them, you will start to see these positive changes in your life.

    Monday morning affirmations:

    1. It’s Monday, I am happy and I am blessed.
    2. I am going to start the week with great energy.
    3. I will do amazing things this week.
    4. I am thankful to God that he has blessed me to live another great day.
    5. My day starts with joy and happiness.
    6. I see that I have become more confident with each passing day.
    7. I will start the day happily and will remain calm whatever happens.
    8. I am going to face all the challenges bravely.
    9. I am going to be at peace throughout the day.
    10. Each day I will wake up feeling fresh and strong.
    11. I will start each day with a positive thought and a smile.
    12. I choose to spend an awesome week.
    13. I choose to embrace my inner strengths and qualities with the passage of each day.
    14. I will work on each task with a focused mind.
    15. I am thankful to God for all the blessings that He has granted me and with the passage of each day I become more and more thankful.
    16. I am ready to use my talent to achieve the goals of my life.
    17. I have overcome all my fears and I believe in myself.
    18. I have all the knowledge that is required to make smart decisions.
    19. I continue to dream big and work harder each day to achieve my dreams.
    20. I will not allow my past mistakes to make me weak. Instead, I will learn from my mistakes so that they don’t happen in the future.
    21. Today everything will work out for me the way I want.
    22. I will inspire everyone around me with my personality and talent.
    23. I am happy and content with my life.
    24. I am willing to let go of my fear and anger.
    25. I am free from all the limitations.
    26. I am at peace with myself and with others too.
    27. Today I free myself from all the tension and stress that surrounded me.
    28. Today I erase the word impossible from my life forever.
    29. For me now onwards everything is possible.
    30. I am an unstoppable warrior that is fearless.
    31. I live with courage and compassion in my heart.
    32. I wear the shield of my confidence to defeat negativity.
    33. I am strong and powerful and I am proud of what I am today and what I do.
    34. I am on a mission to achieve my goals and dreams and no one can stop me now.
    35. I choose to live my life and spend each day happily.
    36. I feel that I am a better and groomed person than before.
    37. Today my whole focus is on making myself successful.
    38. I am unstoppable. My worries have vanished away.
    39. Today I believe that if I think big my world will be big and if I think small my world will be smaller too.
    40. No one else is in charge of my happiness except me.
    41. I will not allow negative people to ruin the peace of my life anymore.
    42. I believe that I don’t have control over everything that happens in life and I will not stress over things that are not in my control.
    43. I will not allow people to take advantage of my kindness anymore.
    44. I will make my life so successful and attractive that people will start following my footprints.
    45. No one is perfect in this world, but I have the qualities that make me unique from others around me.

    Conclusion: Monday Morning Affirmations

    Experiment Monday morning affirmations. Have fun and you’ll see how quickly your life begins to change for better.

    If you wanna learn more about the power of manifestation in just 15 minutes per day, click here.

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