These are some powerful daily affirmations for kids to help them grow better, stronger, and happier. Positive affirmations are powerful tools for the children as well. They are a form of self-talk. When repeated often, these positive affirmations can help them improve their personalities, boost their self-esteem, and gain confidence.
When kids are growing up, they pass through different stages and experiences. Sometimes the kids are happier, at times they are sad, at times they are angry and start throwing tantrums.
Sometimes you are unable to understand what your child is going through. When your child fails to do a certain task, instead of getting mad and scolding them if you handle the situation in a wiser way that would help in building up the personality of your child.
As a parent, it is your responsibility to help your child when he needs you the most. Instead of saying negative words like “what have you done?” “You cannot do a single task correctly”. You can use positive affirmations.
Remember, what you say means a lot to your child. It can either make or destroy his personality. Instead, you can say” it’s okay”. “You can try again”. “I know that you can do it”.
Your positive words will help him think of positive things about himself. He will feel that he has the skill and is capable to do things right. He will gain confidence and will not be feared to face failures or obstacles.
How to use positive affirmations with your child?
Kids cannot do things on their own. They will need your help to introduce positive affirmations to them. Some fun ways are discussed as under:
- Spend quality time with your child. Sit with your child and repeat affirmations like “you are special”. “You matter a lot”. “You are brave”. If your child is unable to understand an affirmation discuss it with him make him understand what it means. Acknowledge your child’s unique talents and strengths. This will increase his confidence.
- You can help your child to create an affirmation board. Grab a poster or a small canvas. Help your child draw or paste pictures about things he wants to do or he wants to achieve. Help your child to include positive things that he believes about himself.
- Help your child make small sticky notes of positive affirmations that can be stuck o the mirror. Tell him to repeat these words whenever he stands in front of the mirror.
- You can also do some fun activities. Together with your child make a song of your favorite affirmations. Tell your child to sing the song more often.
- We all need mentors or role models. Ask your child about his favorite personalities. Tell him that his favorite people are successful because they used to repeat positive affirmations. This will strengthen his belief in affirmations.
Positive daily affirmations for kids
- I am the best.
- I am capable enough to do anything.
- I am helpful.
- I am kind.
- I am a good friend.
- I can learn from my mistakes.
- I can learn new things.
- I am a fast learner. I can learn anything.
- I can help myself.
- I can think of great ideas.
- I can be kind no matter what.
- I can make others feel happy.
- I can find beauty in anything around me.
- I can ask for help whenever I need it.
- I am blessed.
- I stand for what is right.
- I believe in myself.
- I am courageous.
- I can stay calm.
- I choose to be happy.
- I can do hard things.
- I am a happy and joyful kid.
- I am loved by my parents, grandparents, and all others around me.
- I am blessed to have a perfect family and loving parents.
- I do my best in my work and tasks.
- I love my life.
- I enjoy new adventures.
- I have so many hidden talents.
- I do the right thing even when no one is watching.
- I have faith in God.
- I have a sportsman spirit.
- I am a good listener.
- I focus on positive things and let go of the negative ones.
- I pray to God to give me the strength to handle every difficulty.
- I am improving and becoming better with each passing day.
- I have leadership qualities. One day I will become a leader.
- When I struggle, I grow.
- I am smart.
- I am confident.
- I get smarter when I practice more.
- I am not afraid of tricky tasks.
- I am free to be myself.
- My life is full of magical moments.
- I am an important part of this world.
- My words are powerful.
- I have a gentle heart.
- I have the best manners.
- When I grow up, I can become anything I want to.
- I will work hard to achieve my goals.
- I have big dreams.
- I love myself. I am thankful to God for making me the way I am.
Conclusion: Daily Affirmations for Kids
Positive affirmations not only help your child to think positively, but they also help them to build a strong personality. They help the children to build self-esteem and self-confidence. The practice of thinking positive at an early age will help them to be positive throughout their lives.
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